Thursday, September 25, 2014

Children's Brain Tumor Foundation is a non profit organization, to improve treatment and quality for children who has terminal brain and spinal cord cancer. They can accomplish this by research, support, education, and advocacy to families and survivors. You can help save a child's life by taking some time out of your day and volunteer to this foundation. It will take patience and time but soon enough we will accomplish it. Only scientific research will identify the causes and lead to effective treatments for brain tumors in children.
              I find this foundation really meaningful to me because I have two little cousins who has childhood cancer. Not only is it hard for the kid to be going through all this but also for there family are going through a lot of pain as well. I understand why the family suffers just as much as the patient with it because no one wants to see their kid or someone close to them go through all of this. It is very unfortunate that a kid or anyone has to go through cancer.
             My grandpa is a cancer survivor but I remember the pain he was in and how the chemo therapy changed his whole image, not only just loosing his hair but his lack of energy was so down. It was hard to see that because he has a really fun; upbeat personality. Even though he survived there are many unfortunate kids, teens and adults who are at the edge if loosing their life due to cancer, so I would help and raise money so they can have good treatments and hopefully find a cure.

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